A well-known champion of Windsor-Essex who was actively involved in charity events, launched a magazine and touched countless lives across the region has died at the age of 48.
Dave Hunter was found dead in his sleep on the morning of June 30, according to his daughter Madison.
Five years before being named Young Entrepreneur of the Year by the Windsor-Essex Regional Chamber of Commerce, Hunter launched "The Drive" magazine and published its first issue in December of 2000.
As a local realtor, Hunter was in the middle of managing the sale of the Low-Martin Mansion in Walkerville. The property has a listed asking price of $3.4 million.
In an interview with CTV News, Madison Hunter speaks at length about how she learned of her father's death, reading tributes from the many people whose lives he has impacted and how her family has been coping.
Madison Hunter says she had just woken up Friday morning before seeing six missed calls on her phone from her stepmother. When Hunter called her back, she learned her father, community champion Dave Hunter, had died in his sleep at the age of 48. Pictured in Windsor, Ont. on Sunday, July 2, 2023. (Sanjay Maru/CTV News Windsor)
Madison says her dad was her best friend.
"He was the person that would make me belly laugh. He was my rock when I needed to just vent or completely lose my mind about something so stupid, and he would like crack a joke or make light of any situation that I had. I'm sitting here without him now and it's like he literally was a huge part of my life."
She says her dad was a trail blazer.
"He was determined. He has helped out with numerous charities. He has done work individually with specific people, you know, with what they needed on top of all the charity work. And I know he partnered with Transition to Betterness when he started doing the Ride to Survive."
She says the outpouring of love and support has been incredible.
"I've had hundreds of people message me, you know, if you need to get out of the city you can come and stay with us, our home is always welcome to you. Or if you need anything here's my phone number. It's going above and beyond of I'm so sorry for your loss."
Click HERE to watch the full interview.