It's expected to be a full house for tonight's town council meeting in LaSalle.
Several delegations have signed up to talk about a proposed new fire station in John Dupius Park off Hazel St.
Public open house for a proposed satellite fire station in LaSalle (Photo by AM800's Rob Hindi)
Deputy Mayor Marc Bondy says there is plenty of opposition. "It's not a good location for a variety of reasons but the most being for the safety of the children, they purchased the property with a park not knowing there would be a fire station."
Bondy says he's not sure what's going to happen when it comes time to vote. "This is the first time in seven years I've run across something that's been sort a big opposition to."
The total cost of the project is about $3-million and that includes improvements to Hazel St.
If approved, construction could begin by the end of the year.