A change is coming to Windsor's Realtor Park and the city wants to hear from the public.
Ward eight councillor Gary Kaschak says the city is looking to convert one of the football fields at the park to a baseball diamond.
He says the park is in a neighbouring ward but has already heard from some residents living in his ward about the proposed change.
Kaschak says he's in favour of the change and believes it's a good move for the park.
He says the city was first proposing the ball diamond at Tranby Park.
"Tranby just gone through a big, extensive changes to the park with some sewer drainage type issues and what not there that appears to be successful so they needed to move the ball park out of there, so Realtor makes sense because it already has a couple baseball diamonds," says Kaschak.
He says he's confident there is a need for more ball diamonds in the city.
"It appears that football is consolidating some of their games at other places so to go from two football fields, down to one seems to be certainly workable," he says.
Realtor Park is located on Homedale Boulevard in Riverside and is a 23-acre park.
The city has budgeted $135,000 for the conversion and wants to change the football field closest to the parking lot.
City staff hope to have the ball diamond ready for the spring of 2022.