The City of Windsor is looking to control a plant in the Little River corridor.
The city is working with the Invasive Species Centre later this month to apply herbicide on wild parsnip, an Ontario Noxious Weed.
Karen Alexander, the city's naturalist and outreach coordinator says the application will begin on August 12 along the Ganatchio Trail System.
She says the city is taking a broader attempt at bringing the plant under control in the city's park system.
"There are some places along the Ganatchio Trail where it is getting a little more dense than we'd like to see and it's just good practice to try and bring the population under control before it gets worse," she says.
Alexander says the city was able to secure grant funding to go after the plant.
"Wild parsnip can become quite dominate in some park areas so we do try and find those places and identify some best management practices that would help to keep the public safe," says Alexander.
She's asking the public to keep a safe distance from the contractors when the work begins.
"The trails will remain open," she says. "There's no real threat to the public when the work is being done. The best thing the public can do is stay on the authorized trails and keep an eye for the temporary signs that will indicate that pesticides are in use."
The city says a Navius Flex pesticide will be used. It's registered under the Pest Control Products Act.
Weather permitting, the work will end by August 23.