Ward 3 city councillor Renaldo Agostino is happy to see families return to the downtown core.
He says Saturday's Border City Wrestling event dubbed "Downtown Showdown" drew about 1,000 people to Ouellette Avenue near Park Street.
"It was amazing to see all the kids and the families and just to see downtown absolutely packed to the rafters for a great event and a great night that followed," says Agostino. "So it was fantastic."
The BCW event was part of a wrestling-themed downtown block party.
Agostino says he was happy with the turnout.
"I think we had probably close to 1,000 people there and throughout the day, we probably just from the bands and the wrestling and everything else that was going on, there was thousands and thousands of people downtown Saturday night, so it really felt like the old days," says Agostino.
He says it means a lot to him to see the response from the community.
"When you see all these people coming together especially families, kids, people that always say you'll never be able to bring families and kids back downtown and to see that happen, it means everything to me and I know it means everything to everybody who was involved and it was just such a fantastic showing," says Agostino.
There have been a handful of block parties in the downtown core so far this year.
There were viewing parties for the NFL, the Stanley Cup finals, Euro Cup and the Copa America final.
Agostino says more are planned and hinted at a car-centric theme for the next block party.