A rezoning request to allow for three six-unit buildings will make its way to a city committee for approval.
The Development and Heritage Standing Committee will meet early next week with one report asking to change from commercial zoning to residential zoning to allow for the development.
The three buildings would be three-storeys each with a total of 22 parking spots, three bicycle spaces, and one loading space located within Howard Avenue, Tuson Way and Howard Place.
A noise impact study was completed and showed that mitigation measures will be required, however there were no issues present in a sanitary sewer study.
Kieran McKenzie, ward 9 councillor and committee member, says he's always interested to see how the developer plans to address the housing crisis.
"Looking at the report it checks a lot of the boxes with respect to the intensification guidelines that were to follow. There's specific provisions for that site with respect to height. The developer is not asking for any variants from that perspective."
He says it's a busy area with commercial buildings nearby.
"There are some speed enforcement issues that need to be addressed, or continue to be addressed, through that corridor. So that is one aspect of the proposal that's coming forward that I'll certainly be asking questions about, and looking for some timelines with respect to investments that need to go forward to help keep people safe if the development does proceed."
McKenzie says the site has been zoned for commercial development for many years.
"There was always anticipated that there would be some form of development on that property, there's an opportunity right now to develop that parcel. There's a number of the requirements of the developer that need to be met, that the developer is meeting."
There would only be one ingress and egress point for the development from Howard Place.
Administration is recommending that the committee approve the rezoning request.
If approved, it will go forward to city council for final approval.
The committee meets on Monday, January 6 at 4:30 p.m.