Campus Pride at the University of Windsor is trying to remember the sometimes forgotten victims of the Holocaust.
As part of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day, which took place on Sunday, Campus Pride is holding a small memorial in its office on campus.
Candles can be lit and students are asked to make a canned good donation to its food pantry.
Campus Pride Co-ordinator Samuel Salazar says many people in the LGBTQ community died in the Holocaust, which isn't well known.
"After the war was done, I was reading and informing myself on the issue, once camps were liberated a lot of people, especially those of Jewish decent were immediately compensated for whatever issues may have been done to them, whereas LGBTQ individuals weren't recognized," he says.
Although it may be difficult to grasp, he says the LGBTQ community is still persecuted in some countries around the world.
"Countries like Saudi Arabia where identifying as a member of the community can be seen or treated with a death penalty or in Latin America where society treats it as shameful so yes, there is still lots to do."
He is grateful to live in a progressive country like Canada but it is important, he says to remember the LGBTQ individuals who are living outside of our borders and how they are treated.
Campus Pride Co-ordinator Samuel Salazar helped to set up a Holocaust memorial to remember those in the LGBTQ community who died. January 28, 2019 (Photo by AM800's Teresinha Medeiros)
Salazar says honouring those who have lost their lives is the perfect way for people to learn from history and improve the future.
The memorial takes place Monday, January 28th until 6pm at the Campus Pride office in the CAW Student Centre.