Work to extend and improve Cabana Road in Windsor is now 60 per cent complete.
The City of Windsor has announced that $13-million in work as part of Phase 3 of the project is now complete.
Phase 3 involved a full reconstruction of Cabana Road West from Dougall Avenue to Dominion Boulevard.
Along with a new asphalt road, the Phase 3 work doubled Cabana Road to four lanes of traffic to improve flow, alleviate congestion and accommodate future growth.
Upgrades also include:
-1.5 kilometres of new buffered bike lanes in each direction of travel
- New, widened concrete sidewalks on both sides of the street
- Intersection improvements at Dougall and Cabana, and Dominion and Cabana
- New curbs, gutters and street lighting
- Enhanced boulevard restoration with sodding and tree planting
- Watermain upgrades
- New storm sewer installation
- Sanitary sewer rehabilitation
Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens says this project is delivering results for residents.
"By improving traffic, upgrading watermain, storm and sanitary sewers, and adding new active transportation infrastructure to accommodate all travellers," he says. "The narrow walking paths have been replaced with widen roads, four lanes of traffic that increase capacity, improve safety and accommodate future growth."
Dilkens says there has been a lot of talk over the last few years about bicycle lanes and safe, active transportation lanes, and now you see that.
"It started from the very first phase and it continues with this phase and it will be complete as part of the entire project over the course of the eight years it's taking to do all of this work," he adds.
Mayor Dilkens also announced that the $13.8-million Phase 4 construction will begin in Spring 2023.
The Phase 4 will extend the Cabana Road improvements further west, from Dominion Boulevard to Highway 3, expand the road from two to four lanes; widen sidewalks; build active transportation facilities; and upgrade the watermain, storm sewers, street lighting and traffic signals.
Utility relocations of gas, hydro and telecommunications infrastructure are now under way with minimal to no impact on traffic.
Detour and construction notices will be sent to residents in advance of this work starting.
Cabana Road was widened to four lanes from Provincial Road to Dougall Avenue and saw sewers, sidewalks and cycling paths added for phases one and two of the $45-million project.