Brentwood Recovery Home in Windsor has received its largest single donation to date.
The donation was made Monday morning on behalf of the late Clifford Bruce.
Bruce left behind more than $302,000 for the recovery home.
The donation was made by Bruce's best friend and executor Dennis Ouellette.
Ouellette says Bruce approached him about 20-years ago to take care of his estate.
"I said look at, do it for somebody that needs help," says Ouellette. "You don't need it, I don't need it but there are people out there and he being a graduate here, I said Cliff, wouldn't it be nice to give it back to Brentwood so he did."
Ouellette says Bruce was a member of CAW and Unifor Local 444.
He was also a graduate of Brentwood.
"I also got to thank the prior people that helped Cliff and everybody else and there were union people that were the head of drug and alcohol," says Ouellette.
Brentwood is also renaming its main meeting room.
The meeting room will now be called the "Clifford Bruce Memorial Meeting Room."
The previous largest single donation was made about 10-years ago by Father Paul Charbonneau.
The donation was for roughly $150,000.