The Leader of the Green Party of Ontario is hoping the electoral victory of the BC Greens will migrate east.
The BC Green Party won three seats in the west-most province, giving them the balance of power in a minority government.
Ontario Green Leader Mike Schreiner was in BC for the last few days of the election and says the mood was very positive.
He says the message used in BC will be echoed here.
"I'm going to ask the voters to trust us with their vote and then we'll see where things fall but I guarantee you if we have seats at Queen's Park we will change Ontario politics," Schreiner says. "We will change it for the better and we will do it in a way that puts people first."
He says the Green Party in BC was clearly in the political mix in the campaign.
"They were facing intense attack by the Liberals and the NDP," says Schreiner. "In the face of those attacks they stayed positive and said we want to do politics differently, we wnat to present a positive vision to the pepole of BC and they did that and voters have now trusted the Greens with their votes."
He says the Green Party operates differently than other political parties. Schreiner says his first focus is the upcoming by-election in Sault Ste Marie, but after that the Ontario election (just 393 days away) will be top of mind. He says his Guelph area riding, Parry Sound-Muskoka, the Toronto area and around Ottawa are places where he believes electoral support is strong for the Green Party.