The Windsor Goodfellows is this year's recipient of an annual Family Skate and Donate.
It's the sixth year for the event hosted by Windsor-West MP Brian Masse in partnership with CUPE Local 82.
Masse says he picked the Goodfellows as the organization is celebrating 110 years in the community and helping the needy.
"We are very impressed with 110 years of history of giving to our community which is amazing," he says. "110 years and that's during all the times of challenges our city has had."
Goodfellows President Art Reid says the need never stops.
"We are in business and we are business 365 days a year doing all kinds of things, not only helping our clients with food and with other things like scarves, mittens, fresh fruit and vegetables."
Reid says the more people give, the more the organization can help out.
"We have gone from 5,500 customers or clients to 10,000 in the last three to four years because we have increased the food, we have added fresh chicken."
The event takes place Saturday, February 29 from 4:30pm to 6:45pm at the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex in south Windsor.
People are asked to bring a non-perishable food items or money to donate.
In previous years, the family skate and donate has helped the House of Sophrosyne and the Downtown Mission.