New pickleball courts at the Libro Centre in Amherstburg are one step away from being built.
Amherstburg council will be given a report this evening to award the tender for the construction of the courts.
The report is recommending council award tender to Jones Group Ldt. to construct the eight dedicated pickleball courts at the price of $480,000.
The construction will also see the installation of fencing around and within the courts, to prevent stray balls from entering other courts.
Chris Gibb, Amherstburg deputy mayor, says the Amherstburg Pickleball Association has been very involved in the process.
"We've got a very, very active Pickleball Association in Amherstburg, so along with that approval town staff worked very hard with the Pickleball Association to make sure that the facility we build suits their needs as best as possible."
He says the sport has really grown in the Town.
"Pickleball is a huge activity for people of all ages, and it's very social. So as Amherstburg is going to be facing a lot of growth over the next five to 10 years, and we want to make sure that we have facilities and amenities that help the new people who move to Amherstburg become part of the community."
Gibb says the courts are expected to be completed by the end of the year.
"From the report it says there's sufficient personnel and financial resources to complete the supply and installation of the pickleball courts in the 2024 calendar year. So if all goes well, we should be able to have it done before the end of 2024."
In June 2023, council set aside $100,000 for the courts. Then during the 2024 Budget deliberations, council approved an additional $350,000 for the construction.
Council will also look to approve additional funds, in the amount of $30,000, for the courts from the Parkland Dedication Reserve Fund to assist with the shortfall.
Council will meet at 6 p.m. Monday evening.