Public transportation is being discussed in Amherstburg and council wants to hear from its residents.
Council has directed administration to begin public consultation.
Mayor Aldo DiCarlo says the town has received a "starting point" proposal from Transit Windsor but is looking for more public feedback.
He says the town is looking at a transit pilot project.
"The route is obviously up for discussion," says DiCarlo. "There was a suggestion made that it kind of goes down the main street and then comes back down again but council brought up some concerns about possibly going more north into town and then back around again."
DiCarlo says the town believes the highest users will be seniors and students.
"I don't think that's much of a stretch," says DiCarlo. "I'm sure they'll be all age groups obviously but when you think about public transit and high usage in let's say Windsor for example, it's a lot of students, it's a lot of seniors."
DiCarlo expects public consultation to begin shortly.
He says the town will use its different channels such as email and Talk the Burg to gather public feedback.
During 2020 budget deliberation, council earmarked $75,000 for a Transportation Feasibility Study.