At risk youth have a new place to call home on Windsor's west side.
The city has unveiled the affordable housing project on Watkins St. which will house 10 youth in the six unit apartment complex.
Mayor Drew Dilkens says the $1.2-million Youth Supportive Housing Demonstration Project received $840,000 in government funding and will be run by Family Services Windsor-Essex.
He says this is a big move forward as the city continues to battle the housing crisis.
"This is 10 new living units for at risk youth in the community with support from the Province of Ontario and other community partners like Family Service Windsor-Essex and the city coming in to help with some of the operating dollars to operate this home. Know that we are trying to move the needle as quickly as possible to deal with some of the challenges that we see in the community."
Dilkens is hoping more projects like this pop up across the city.
"I think there are a number of pieces to the housing puzzle here and certainly looking at infill development, whether it's downtown or in other places across the city, the old Concord school site being an example, looking at making sure we're increasing the supply, so in the area south of the airport, and other areas that are right for future growth."
He says the city is looking to expedite the process when it comes to adding new affordable living spaces.
"We're doing what we can to remove red tape from the city side to allow these developments to happen more quickly. Despite the pandemic, we're making progress and today's a good announcement. We're making a lot of progress here on Watkins St."
The building is the first modular container housing in the Windsor area and is expected to be completed before the end of 2021.
— with files from CTV Windsor