The federal government is providing more than $1-million to fund four different disability initiatives.
The largest amount is $900,000 over three years to the YMCA to continue its Opportunities Employment Support Program.
It involves a six week support program including counselling and case management which leads to a paid job opportunity.
The Parliamentary Secretary to the minister responsible for accessibility, London area MP Kate Young, presented the funding.
She says the program allows people with disabilities to participate in the work world.
"Do their resumes and make sure they're ready, job ready, and a lot of people with disabilities don't really know how to do that, to make sure they're prepared. But also to prepare employers so that they will be able to hire these people and keep them employed."
London area MP Kate Young, Parliamentary Secretary to Minister responsible for Accessibility, January 25, 2019 (by AM800's Peter Langille)
Young also announced a $100,000 grant to the Riverside Miracle Baseball Park.
She met some of the people who will be using the baseball facility.
"This miracle park is a miracle. But miracles do require some funding so the federal government has been able to come through with $100,000 for this park and I can't wait for it to open."
Young says the baseball facility will make a huge difference in the kids' lives.
"So often people with accessibility issues aren't given the chance to do what all of us take for granted, like playing baseball or playing sports. And so we have to make things more accessible for people and I certainly hope the children we see here will be playing baseball in the near future."
As well, the University of Windsor gets funding for computer enhancements like speech capability software and the Essex County Chinese Canadian Association receives funding to make the entrance to their building more accessible.