Close to 100 tickets and warnings were issued by Windsor police during a seven hour distracted driving blitz.
11 officers were involved in the initiative at three different locations in the city Tuesday from 11am to 6pm.
Windsor police say 99 enforcement actions were taken ranging from Highway Traffic Act infractions, insurance violations and warnings.
36 of them were specifically for using a cell phone.
"The key message is distracted driving, and the high majority of that is use of a cell phone, that is dangerous," says Windsor police Sergeant Steve Betteridge.
He points out drivers who were ticketed were both young and experienced, so it crossed all age brackets.
Betteridge won't say if the officers were in marked or unmarked vehicles.
"I'm not gonna, that's a fair question, but I'm not going to release all of our tactics because we do use a number of different ways to catch offenders regardless if it is a crime or keeping our roadways safe."
In Ontario, deaths from collisions caused by distracted driving have doubled since 2000.
Tougher penalties went into effect January 1, 2019 which saw fines up to $1,000, three demerit points and a three-day licence suspension.